Breaking White Silence

Aliyah D W
4 min readJan 7, 2021
Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

In the global revolt led by black people that spread to all 50 states and even spread worldwide with protests in England, France, and Belgium, white people in America can somehow still justify remaining silent in a matter of basic civil rights. We are in the midst of a cultural awakening and the largest civil rights movement in the history of our country and still there are people who do not see their place on the right side of history.

I am so tired of seeing people proudly say, “all lives matter” or “here is what is wrong with black lives matter”. We know all lives should matter. That is an obvious fact, but all lives can not matter until BIPOC in America get the racial equality that is long overdue. The same people who see the words “black lives matter” and feel the need to say “all lives matter” but then see “blue lives matter” and be silent and the same people who do not check themselves and realize what is missing.

White silence equaling white violence sounds like a radial concept and may make people feel uncomfortable — but that is the point. This is an issue that someone cannot simply play “devil’s advocate” and still skirt through the day as if everything is alright. Someone being able to post what they ate for lunch but not be able to post about Black Lives Matter because of the fear of offending someone says a lot more about them and their willingness to comply than they may think.

White silence looks like watching the life leave an innocent man’s eyes as he called out for his mother and saying nothing. White silence looks like watching a twelve-year-old boy shot while playing in the park and saying nothing. White silence looks like watching a man jog down the street and being fatally shot three times and saying nothing. White silence looks like choosing white comfort over necessary racial equality.

White silence is deafening on BIPOC ears and comes in many forms. Saying nothing to racist family members and friends and making excuses for those family members and friends is unacceptable. Saying “they are just a product of their time” is disgusting and inexcusable. It is 2020 and people are still finding themselves afraid to rock the boat. If no one rocked the boat in history there is no doubt that civil rights would be as far as they are today.

A misconception about the idea that white people cannot remain silent at this time is that it means they should all be marching. Protesting in the streets is not the only form of activism, though it is the most popular, and there are many ways to stand up for what is right. It is also important to note that what Black people need allies to take on the problems of oppression that they may face themselves but stand up for anyway.

The point of this is not to make any one person feel bad or to shame anyone into thinking they are not doing enough. This column is a call to action for all readers to realize that now is the time for action. 400 years after the end of slavery and many still do not realize the way that oppression and racism has run on in the country.

Being a good ally is not something that the ally themselves can define and decide they have done enough. Being a good ally is lifting others up. Being a good ally is not taking opposing views as attacks. Being a good ally is believing the underrepresented experience. Being a good ally is not gaslighting. Being a good ally is recognizing microaggressive behaviors and correcting them. Many still do not realize or just choose not to recognize that racism is a driving force of power in our country.

It is time for White Americans to realize that their privilege gives them the advantage of public eye, and that their voices are often heard much louder than that of Black Americans. There is no one demanding that white people apologize profusely and wear chains in solidarity. All we want is acknowledgment and due support. As a young Black woman, myself it is not my responsibility to educate people on how to take up the torch, even though I have anyway. It is their own job to find tools and use them.

